Tomorrowland Around the World 2021 - LIVE Kölsch Set

Exciting news tonight is the launch of the Tomorrowland Around the world 2021 Digital Event.  In which tonight (16/7/21) Kölsch is playing LIVE.  As confirmed in my tweet :-p

and here of course on the timeline just so excited to get my first twitter reply 🙂

So I am all ready and setup to watch on the big screen and big speakers. I have even watched the countdown and preview shows ready.

So I can’t wait, I will take some screenshots and jot down my favourite tracks (and times) throughout the set as well and share here on the next update.

Some other great news as well I have managed to track down a new copy of Butch Countach 12″ Single Kölsch Remix on vinyl for the growing back catalogue collection! Super happy and early birthday present for me, talking of birthdays it nearly 1 year of the Kölsch Fan Site website first started as well.  Fingers crossed to many more years of updates!

Keep safe everyone, nearly out the other side and raving once more! John